Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter Everyone!

I love easter- it's always been one of my favorites (ok there really isn't a holiday I don't like). Anyways our plans had been to go to Tennessee to be with Desi and Apey but things didn't quite work out- so we headed down to Las Vegas for the weekend to be with my family instead. It was a really short trip- left Saturday morning and came back this afternoon. But still it was fun to be with family.

We got in and took our nephew Riley to an easter egg hunt that we were late to so we created our own at Grandma's house. After our Easter lunch of ham (so delicious) we went to the premium outlet mall to attempt to find a dress for Chelsie's upcoming wedding. It's pretty depressing going shopping right now. I'm bigger than my normal size but not quite ready for maternity clothes and it's hard for me to spend money on a dress I know I will only be able to wear for a month or so. Nevertheless the only dress I found that I liked- found out April had already bought it. So I left empty handed. Not too big of a deal since I need to go shopping this week for some "fun" stuff for Chelsie. Still I've always found dress shopping very stressful. 

After shopping and hanging out with family, Reid and I headed out to get dinner (Tommy's- I know how classy are we?) and then off to see Mystere! It was our first ever Cirque du Soleil show and it was seriously awesome!!! Acrobats, dancers, aerialists, clowns and while it was kind of weird at times, I would definitly recommend it. We had a blast.

Another short trip this weekend, a short trip last weekend, and the possibility of Saint George next weekend- I don't know when we are going to have another "normal" weekend at home.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


So last weekend we went to Oregon. We flew into Portland and our plan was to drive the coast starting from Cannon Beach up to Astoria and around. First I convinced Reid to drive up to Vancouver, WA which is where I lived from first to fourth grade. It was definitly a trip to see our old house, neighborhood and old elementary school. It's sad to admit that I don't have too many memories of this town other than the house and the school and even that is a strain. But it was fun to show Reid a little bit of my history.

We then headed to Cannon Beach and walked around and ate clam chowder and then headed up to Astoria because Reid was dying to see where the Goonies lived. That was an awkward situation. Anyways I don't want to talk about the trip too much because you will find more information on it located on my travel blog:

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Two years!!!!!!!!!

Two years ago today I was having the most stressful day of my life- no not my wedding day (suprisingly no stress there) but graduating college! Four years of anticipation brought me to this day where I got no sleep the night before, woke up early to walk and accept my diploma, and stressfully deal with parties and families. This is sadly a day I would never want to relive again. But it was a good day too. We had the coolest graduation cake ever- got lots of presents and the happy feeling of packing up our house and leaving Rexburg for good!

It was fun to be able to graduate together. We were both communication majors (so you would think communication in our marriage would be impecable) and so we were able to walk together and be there to support each other as we both graduated. It was a fun and unique expirience.

I'll admit somedays (most days) I really miss Rexburg and college life. Things were so much simpler then. Didn't really worry about money and mortgages, had fun with friends and skated by easily through school (come on it is BYU-Idaho). But at the same time I'm grateful where I am right now in my life.

Monday, April 6, 2009

An apology to Utahns' everywhere

So it’s safe to say pregnancy cravings and aversions are something that I have definitely been experiencing. One of my more unique cravings has been french fries and fry sauce. This is where the apology comes into play.

I have only lived here in Salt Lake City for almost two years. I grew up mostly in California (after a stint in Washington). Ever since I moved here (and Idaho) I have snubbed my nose at fry sauce thinking Utahn’s were weird. But this baby growing inside me must be a true Utahn because all he or she wants is frys with frysauce. So I apologize for being stuck up and have now seen the light.


All I want is to feel better!!!! As the days go on I just keep hoping to feel better but it hasn't happened yet. I'm so tired that I crash at 9:30 at night. I want to cook for my husband but I'm to tired and sick to do so. I lay like a slug. I'm sorry sweetie. I promise I want to take care of you but I just haven't gotten my energy back.

13 weeks pregnant and I have already gained- 8 pounds. Boo.

Just keep reminding myself I get a baby out of this....