Saturday, October 3, 2009

Reasons you may not have seen me lately

So... I wish I had more to blog about. Seriously, I do. I pretty much don't leave the house anymore. I mean why bother? I work from home, which is almost as awesome as it sounds except I do get lonely sometimes. I guess in about a week or so the loneliness will turn to crazy sleep deprived mom with an uber cute newborn. Whatever.

It's really good I don't leave my house though because none of my clothes fit. I don't say this to solicit sympathy it's just a fact. Maternity clothes are too small and I do try to snag my husbands clothes every now and then when I must leave the house to take out the trash or go on a much needed walk. Although pretty sure I won't allow that to happen ever again because one day last week it was pretty late and Reid and I headed out to get a little fresh air and I looked filthy with some mismatched outfit that consisted of one of Reid's shirts that don't worry was too small for me, some nasty blue pants, and pink and white sneakers. In my head I thought- noone will be out at this time no big deal. Wrong. Everyone and thier dog (literally) were out. And it's not bad enough that these people are my neighbors but hello, I live in Utah so they are in my ward too. Of course they were nice and polite but secretly in their heads they wondered where I stashed my spaceship. Oh well, you win some you lose some!
In random news: here is a nasty picture of my foot. I was about to go around the neighborhood posting signs for my missing ankle but this will do. The really awesome part about this is my other foot was completely normal!

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