Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A little update on our lives

So the past month has been Crazy with a capitol C!!!!!!! It started off great with the first weekend of the month taking a trip to PHX to catch a pre-season game and check in with the grandparents. That was a quick trip but a blast nonetheless. We saw the Dodgers play but was very sad to see no Manny.

Then things went a little crazy when we found out what we had thought was a stroke was really a heart attack and Reid's dad needed an emergency triple bypass. Reid jetted (literally) down to St. George and worked from Skywest's headquarters for a few days to be with his mom and family and I joined him on Friday morning. While we were all worried and concerned for Buff it was a nice excuse to see April, Desi, Mark, Chelsie, Alex and kids. Buff is doing well and came home from the hospital this week. Reid also went down this past weekend to help his Mom prune the trees to get them ready for all the delicious fruit to come this summer. Can't wait to play peach baseball again!!!!

Then there was the migraine. It just wouldn't go away!!!! So I stayed home from work yesterday and was bummed and really sad and just not doing well physically and emotionally. Who comes to my rescue??? Of course my lovely hubby. He suprised me and came home from work with a package of gummy bears and had rented me the movie I had been wanting to watch: Nick and Norah's infinite playlist.

Things are a little less crazy here at the Fuller household but knowing us- not for long.


  1. An EMB-120 is not a jet, it is a turbo prop.

  2. thank you sweetheart for clearing that up

  3. Dude next time you are not feeling good, CALL ME! I will come over and take care of you!! You have a good husband! We are glad to know that Buff is doing better! We were praying for him!

  4. Lesley!! I love you!! We really need to TALK!!!

  5. Oh no migraines are the worst! Are you better yet?? I'll be praying for you! I'm glad Reidy was nice. . .I'm also glad I can run faster than him! Ha ha

  6. I'm lol-ing because AJ corrects me all the time when I incorrectly call a plane a jet. "not a jet, it is a turbo prop". I hear that constantly! Hilarious.

    Glad you're feeling better. We REALLY liked that movie.

    So glad Reid's dad is doing better too. Scary.
