The past couple of weeks have been crazy. Crazy with a capitol C. It all started two weeks ago which was the week of tests and dr. appointments for Sadie. These tests I had been dreading since I was 32 weeks pregnant and found out Sadie's kidney had blockage and she would probably need surgery to correct them. Well the time had come and we carted Sadie into primary childrens for tests. I cried as I loaded her in the car and said a quick prayer that she would be comforted as these uncomfortable and invasive tests took place. I had no idea the tests would take an hour and felt like the worst mother ever as my hungry baby was given an IV and stuck with a catheter. She screamed and I cried again. Reid grabbed my hand and told me it was for the best, but I just wanted to pick up my little baby and run the heck out of there! We watched on the screen as they pumped radioactive material into her little kidneys and could see one kidney noticably larger. Sadie was a trooper and though her little legs and arms were pinned down she closed her eyes and drifted to sleep.
Two days later we went to the pediatric urologist and got the results from her tests. Her kidney is swollen and retains the fluid but eventually drains. Which was the best news I had ever heard in my life. This meant no surgery for baby Sadie. I really tried to fight back tears but they overcame me as they always do. Months and months of prayers from not only us but family and friends for her little kidney and it turned out to be ok. If that's not a testimony builder than I don't know what is.
That weekend Reid blessed Sadie in our ward, surrounded by friends and family. She is one loved little girl. It was a beautiful blessing and a great day. Stressful times with the multitudes of family and our house has a few bruises but completley worth it.
This past weekend we went to MN to watch Chris and Lisa get married (Reid was the best man). It was a beautiful ceremony- fitting for such a beautiful and sweet couple. We wish them all the best. Sadie did amazing on her first flight, which is good because she will be doing a lot of that.
It's time to get back in the swing of things for only a week before we head to celebrate Christmas with my family in Las Vegas. It's good to be here and to be alive. I'm grateful for all of our blessings.
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