Monday, April 6, 2009

An apology to Utahns' everywhere

So it’s safe to say pregnancy cravings and aversions are something that I have definitely been experiencing. One of my more unique cravings has been french fries and fry sauce. This is where the apology comes into play.

I have only lived here in Salt Lake City for almost two years. I grew up mostly in California (after a stint in Washington). Ever since I moved here (and Idaho) I have snubbed my nose at fry sauce thinking Utahn’s were weird. But this baby growing inside me must be a true Utahn because all he or she wants is frys with frysauce. So I apologize for being stuck up and have now seen the light.


  1. I completely understand you! I am a native Chicagoan and didn't give fry sauce a chance for probably 5 years at least but I must say, it is a nice break from ketchup!

  2. Haha! I know, like in California if you say "fry sauce" they're like, "uh, ketchup?"

    It's kinda like a doughnut to me. It's pretty dang yummy, but I feel like if I eat too much I'll drop dead. After getting super fat.
