So last weekend we went to Oregon. We flew into Portland and our plan was to drive the coast starting from Cannon Beach up to Astoria and around. First I convinced Reid to drive up to Vancouver, WA which is where I lived from first to fourth grade. It was definitly a trip to see our old house, neighborhood and old elementary school. It's sad to admit that I don't have too many memories of this town other than the house and the school and even that is a strain. But it was fun to show Reid a little bit of my history.
We then headed to Cannon Beach and walked around and ate clam chowder and then headed up to Astoria because Reid was dying to see where the Goonies lived. That was an awkward situation. Anyways I don't want to talk about the trip too much because you will find more information on it located on my travel blog:
fun trip, that's awesome you got to see where you lived for a short while. what was awkward? i will check out your travel blog too. so my sister and i went to astoria just to see where goonies was taped! i LOVE that movie!! and we found the rock that they line up with the stone thing! love it. miss you! wish i could see you. post some prego shots!